2009 Fairfax County Water Rates
For a standard 5/8″ water meter, your price per 1000 gallons is $1.83 for water and $4.10 for sewagestaring April 1, 2009. However, after you consumer the greater of 6,000 gallons above the consumption of the preceding winter quarter billing period or 1.3 times the consumption of the preceding winter quarter billing period of 1.3 times the consumption of the preceding winter quarter billing period. The price per 1,000 gallons is $2.70. After speaking with a representative from Fairfax Water, I interpret this say “They charge $5.93 for every 1,000 gallons of water during winter months but their historical summer usage doubles and the realize this is due to washing cars, watering plants and grass, etc. Therefore, they are not processing your sewage and do not charge for that service but they DO increase their water rate to $2.70 per 1,000 gallons. The Fairfax County person stated sub-meters weren’t typically cost effective due to the pricing structure.
For more details, see their website
How does this affect your bills for your sprinkler system? Well, most sprinkler system utilize around 10 gallons per minute per zone which would cost approximately $1.62 per hour of using your sprinkler system.